NZR Update on COVID-19

New Zealand Rugby Update: 

New Zealand Rugby's advice to Provincial Unions is to POSTPONE all Game Development Workshops including Rugby Smarts, Small Blacks, Coach and Referee workshops until further notice. 

NZR's recommendation is also to CANCEL all team and group-based rugby trainings. Although these measures are not explicitly required by Government, they will help to minimise the risk of person to person transmission.

This position is to stay in effect until April 18th, or further notice. With the advice that this pandemic will last far longer than weeks, NZR will review the proposed start date of rugby and provide on-going advice on that in due course also. 

Click here to keep up with relevant NZR information regarding this situation. 

The Government has also set up a specific COVID-19 website here

Article added: Sunday 22 March 2020


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