Taranaki Rugby has presented their submission to the Taranaki Regional Council in support of option 2 (reinstate stands and update facilities) of Yarrow Stadium, with an upgrade to option 4 if additional funding can be found.
For the financial survival of rugby in this region it is imperative that the TRFU are back operating from a full functioning Yarrow Stadium as soon as possible.
Option 2 is the preferred and will ensure that Taranaki Rugby is bought back to a position of sustainability, operating out of a facility at full capacity.
A Berl report completed in October 2018 estimated the total economic value to the Taranaki region of the Yarrow Stadium Regional facility was $100M across a 15 year period (2002-2017). Events at this regional facility over the same period have attracted 245,000 visitors to the Taranaki province and an estimated $45-$55M added to Taranaki GDP.
There is no argument that the Taranaki region needs a Regional Facility for a multitude of purposes. Hosting a significant variety of events, with the iconic Yarrow Stadium the jewel in the province’s crown, provides a sense of pride to our region where the above noted economic value is testament.
We encourage all our supporters to follow the below link and please submit in favour of option 2;
Click on the link below to read our full submission;
Article added: Monday 08 April 2019